Jennie's Bio

Though Jennie Davenport was raised throughout the Midwest and survived the Arizona desert for the past seven years, she now lives back in her favorite place of Colorado. When she isn’t trying to run her home with as little casualties as possible, Jennie loves snuggling with her children (three crazy, blond boys), laughing with her friends, delving into brilliant entertainment of any vein, and playing outside. Despite the way being a writer is in her blood, and the wheels of her writerly mind are constantly turning, Jennie likes to think that in another life, she would have been a Broadway star. Or an American Idol finalist.

Jennie lives for the fall, and not just because of her adoration for the NFL (Go Broncos!). In her perfect world, she would have the springs, summers, and falls of Colorado, and the winters of Arizona—someplace where the climate and weather would allow her to go on a trail run all year round (if her chronic illness allows for it, of course). But even though she prefers the pines and mountains, she is a devoted fan of all nature, from sandy beaches to woodsy cabins, and all are her greatest inspiration. She believes nature is one of the best healing remedies, with a magic all its own.

Jennie’s passion for writing is the way she survives, and is as vital to her sanity as oxygen, caffeine, food, and music. Even before she began writing it, well-told, original, and character-driven romance was always her weak spot. Add the paranormal or magical realism element and she may never make it back to reality. 

Check me out here, too:

Twitter: @may_davenport

And to see my older, far more emotional and long-winded bio from the summer of 2013, visit here.

Want to know how I landed my agent? Click here


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