It's getting close! HEMLOCK VEILS is almost available for the masses to read in paperback and ebook form (November 25)! *ALL THE SQUEES*

If you are interested in the ebook form and for some reason didn't already know this because you're mean and don't follow me on social media, it is actually available for pre-order on Amazon! Check it out HERE!

Also, I decided to get on top of things and create my Author Central page on Amazon, which I didn't even know I could do until last night. Check that out HERE! Maybe I'll actually get used to this author thing someday and learn all there is to learn. Maybe.

In other HEMLOCK VEILS news, those book reviewers/bloggers who agreed to review my book have been sent all the ARCs, which is SO very exciting. And nerve-wracking. I might never eat again. But mostly, it's just exciting! I've actually already received one review so far on Goodreads--my FIRST EVER review! My gut sank when I saw it, because it was a reviewer I didn't know personally, but I could not have been more thrilled to see that she gave it FIVE stars! Want to see my first review ever? Go HERE! Some of her more specific words were: "This is one book that everyone should read and once you start you will not be able to put down."

Also, one of the editors at Swoon Romance typed a little review, though she didn't rate it, and I squealed at her comment: "Two words: Henry Clayton!! <3"

I'm so glad others find him as irresistible as I did. Oh, and speaking of Henry, check out this post I did a couple weeks or so ago to introduce his complex character, HERE. (I have a lot of "HERE"s in here.)

Another bit of important info: If you are interested, YA Bound Book Tours is still taking sign-ups for the Release Day Blitz! If you are interested in being a part of that with your blog, please visit HERE!

I will also be running some contests of my own. I haven't pinned down the ones I'm going to do before or on release day yet, but stay tuned! I have some awesome prizes, including replica mugs from Jean's (Elizabeth's coffee shop in HEMLOCK VEILS), which also have the book title on the back and are signed by yours truly.

Next exciting thing: My best friend, Chloe Crawford, is a brilliant artist (I have one of her large oil paintings hanging in my home), and she has painted one of my favorite settings from the book, in order to go along with the mugs (both have the Jean's logo). It is SO beautiful, and she depicted the shop better than I even imagined while writing it. So what am I doing? I'm showing it to you here, in this very blog post (below)! Yay! If you love it, and I know you will, and you are interested in checking out Chloe's other masterpieces, visit her MyFolio page HERE.

The postcards I have ordered with this artwork on it (and HEMLOCK VEILS's cover on the other side, along with a description, information, and a few excerpts) are currently being made, and I can't wait to have those on hand so that when someone asks what my book is about I can hand them one and I don't have to actually speak. Along with the prizes in my contest, I will be throwing in signed copies of those, too!

Lastly, I am in the process of creating some teaser quotes from my favorite characters, and favorite excerpts from the book (in jpeg form). So keep an eye our for those on my social media sites, because I will be sprinkling the pictures around from now until release date (Did I mention that was on November 25?)!

Okay, ready for the painting titled Elizabeth's Coffee Shop? Here it is:


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